Author Guidelines
We do not accept previously published papers. Your paper should be checked for plagiarism (original text more 80%).

The minimum size is 5 pages. Papers could be written in Russian or English languages.

Paper Template:

1) Filename format: for paper (slideshow) – Author Surname with Initials, Title of the paper;

2) UDC index (Times New Roman, 12 pt, Italics, Left);

3)Author's Initials, Surname (Times New Roman, 12 pt, Italics, Right);

4)Title of the Paper (Arial, 14 pt, bold, All Caps, Centered);

5)Abstract - no more 5 lines, at least 600 characters (Arial, 12 pt, Justified);

6)Key words – up to 10 words ( Times New Roman, 12 pt, Italics, Justified);

7)Paper text (Times New Roman, 14 pt, line spacing – 1, paragraph indention – 1,25 см, margins – 2 см, file type – MS Word, text formatting – justified. Tables: Times New Roman, 12 pt Italics, right, Table 1 -Table name. Table number and title appear below the table. Figures only black and white: MS Word format, grouped within pages margins, Figure number and title appear below the figure, Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold, Centered: Fig.1 - Figure Title. Equations: centered, equation numbers, within parentheses, are to position flush right, as in (1)). Numbering of tables, figures, equations is performed if the number of objects is two or more ;

8)References. All references used for the study should be cited in order of appearance;

9)Author's Full Name, academic degree(s), academic status, job position and place of employment, e-mail.

For additional information about terms and conditions with the guidelines for authors, you may address the Conference Organizing Committee.

Department of General Informatics
Ul. Dusi Koval'chuk, 191
630049, Russia
Telephone number: +7-383-328-0402